How Do YOU Do It and Couldn’t I Just Do That Myself?

Well, probably. Or, you could hire someone to program an application where you could do it yourself.

You see, we create a transcript, viewable on the web, as well as a PDF version. In that PDF version, you can also include branding and advertisements that YOU choose. So, there is even a monetization option there.

And, yes, you could use the application that we use, Twitonomy, to download the tweets in an Excel spreadsheet. You could then manually add them to a web page in reverse order so that they read in the way that the Twitter Chat happened (instead of the reverse order in which you received them from Twitonomy).

Oh, also, you would pay Twitonomy about $5 more than what you would pay for our package deal. So, if you order the YourContent.Today Twitter Transcript Package Membership, you get your weekly Twitter Chat Transcripts, in the format I described, but get it for $5 less than what you would pay for the raw data. And, that isn’t including the formatting, web page HTML, customized PDF< etc. You see, I (Deborah) am also a programmer and I wrote a program that takes the raw data from Twitonomy and turns it into the format that you receive when your order the package from us. 🙂 So, yes, you could do it manually, pay more for the data, and spend hours doing it. And, how many weeks would that last? 🙂

By Deborah

Deborah is a mega-experienced and award-winning writer (and speaker). Out of this experience (and education), she brings you content that you can use!

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