Wait! Twitter? Why Is This Listed as Ghostwriting?

I know. It is odd, eh?

But, for a Twitter Chat host to be able to offer something like what used to be offered by the now-defunct Storify, it matters!

First of all, you have a Twitter Chat. For more about Twitter Chats and how to run them, feel free to visit our new website devoted to that topic at ChatMistress.com. We also have one coming soon, directed at providing a calendar of Twitter Chats that are currently happening and that is at SocialCafe.net. Finally, if you want to see one in action, visit the official site for #SocialCafe, where we were the first to use #SocialCafe in 2012 and ever since then (remember, you can’t own hashtags but you can be the first to ever use one 🙂 ). On the official site, you may even see some Storify transcripts, that is, until we convert them over to the new format.

So, for some Twitter Chat hosts, they pull together a summary of the chat, after the chat, and highlight some tweets and give an article-like description of what was discussed. That is quite common. But, even with how common it is, there are also Twitter Chat hosts who do not have any summary and just have the chat itself. Hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

Personally, I like having the summary as well as an actual transcript (tweet-by-tweet) of the Twitter Chat. The transcript also helps if I am delayed in preparing the summary because I can refer to it to grab the tweets that I want to feature (or even fave after the event). This is where Storify was so handy, providing an ability (especially as they improved the interface) to grab all of the tweets and then embed that on your site. I’m sure you have some other questions about how this can be done but let’s answer the question about ghostwriting. Then, feel free to navigate through the other questions. I split them up so that we didn’t make this answer tooooo long 🙂

Hint: If I were doing this, I’d go for the Basic Package ($15/mo) because I save $5/mo over getting the subscription to the service directly and I get more! And, if I used the coupon setupFree I could save the setup/signup fee of $15 and just get down to business. I receive servince (done-for-you) and save money. What is to think about there? 🙂

Ghostwriting a Twitter Chat Transcript

So, what is with the ghostwriting part? … for a Twitter Chat?

Here is the thing… Since we are offering something that is written (sort of) and it is something on which you, as the Twitter Chat Host, can attach your name, as the “author,” well, it is “ghostwritten.” 🙂 That was an easy answer, right? So, let’s check out some of the other questions because I think they might already be forming and fortunately we have the answers for you!

By Deborah

Deborah is a mega-experienced and award-winning writer (and speaker). Out of this experience (and education), she brings you content that you can use!

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